Integrated Supply

Due to production experience and competence, the UTW provides integrated supplies of equipment both for traditional energy facilities (TPP, SDPP) and for facilities such as waste processing plants and nuclear icebreakers.

Implementation of turnkey projects for foreign energy facilities in Mongolia, China, Belarus, and Kazakhstan is worth mentioning as some of the plant references.

As a manufacturer of main power generating equipment, the UTW has cooperation agreements and established relations with a number of suppliers of related equipment and design organizations. This allows to promptly prepare technical and commercial proposals, reduce project implementation time, and optimize plant’s costs and those of the Customer.

A good example of the UTW's participation in the integrated supply of equipment is the reconstruction of Minsk CHP-3 (Republic of Belarus) with the replacement of retired capacities of the 14 MPa stage. The UTW acted as a supplier of a complex of equipment for the reconstruction of the first stage of CHP (Tp-115/130-12,8 turbine plant, turbine-generator, boiler plant, fan cooling tower, equipment for chemical water purification, a set of pumping equipment, lifting equipment, pipelines, automated process control systems, transformers, fire-fighting depot equipment, and many others). The UTW also provides design, survey, and commissioning works.

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