Currently, the power industry is characterized by a high degree of wear and tear of main equipment. As of 2019, there are more than 1,600 steam turbines installed in Russian Federation. More than 50% of them have more than 35 years of operating time. Taking this into consideration, maintenance of all equipment at power plants and steam turbines in particular should be given special attention.
There are just a few of the companies operating in Russia that are capable to perform a full range of steam turbine maintenance activities: from engineering support and inspection, delivery of spare parts and factory repairs to long-term maintenance and large-scale modernizations.
In addition, the regulations in force in Russia require agreeing with the manufacturer on any deviations from its documentation that may occur during the repair of equipment, modernization, and reconstruction of turbine equipment produced by it.
Thus, cooperation between turbine equipment manufacturers, repair and generating companies when it comes to servicing installed equipment, according to the results of which the manufacturer is engaged in maintenance of turbines of its own production, is a legally transparent partnership. This way, the generating company is guaranteed reliability, availability, and high performance of equipment used.