UTW Launched the World’s Largest Extraction Turbine

27 June 2022

Mosenergo PJSC has commissioned the world’s most powerful extraction turbine — the
Т-295/335-23 — manufactured by the Ural Turbine Works. The capacity of the power unit installed at the combined heat and power plant in Dzerzhinsky, a town located near Moscow, is sufficient to provide heat for more than 300,000 residents.

During a teleconference attended by Alexey Miller, a Chairman of the Management Committee of Gazprom PJSC, power unit No.9, which includes the turbine, was commissioned at СНР-22 of Mosenergo PJSC (a part of Gazprom Energoholding Group), following reconstruction.

The reconstruction of the power unit has been one of the most ambitious projects in the Russian energy industry so far. In terms of resilience and technical data, the T-295 is unparalleled; its maximum electrical capacity is 335 MW, the rated thermal load is 1,561 GJ/h (372.9 Gcal-hr). The highest parameters live steam parameters have been reached for 565°С, and the equipment now has a longer service life — 250,000 hours instead of the usual 200,000.

“Maintaining the operation of the turbine with such steam parameters and resource requirements is quite a complex task. The scale of fundamentally new technical solutions found and used in the process of T-295 manufacturing is overwhelming. Chromium steel was chosen in order to manufacture parts that could work under these “extreme” conditions. The use of the up-to-date methods of digital modeling and analysis means that the efficiency of certain stages of the new turbine can reach up to 92%, and the efficiency of the unit in general in the condensing mode — up to 40%, which is the best possible achievable level as of now,” said Mikhail Lifshitz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UTW JSC.

The T-295 turbine is equipped with cutting-edge regulating, control, and monitoring systems. At the same time, it has a particularly wide range of operating modes for an extraction turbine, so it can easily compete with condensing turbines of other manufacturers in this regard.

The new turbine is connected to the PRANA intelligent prognostics system from ROTEC Holding by default. By receiving information from the turbine sensors, PRANA can identify defects and alert users to possible equipment breakdowns 2-3 months prior to their actual emergence.

The T-295 turbine has been designed and manufactured to replace the T-250 turbines, which are coming to the end of their life cycle. The Ural Turbine Works had previously manufactured 32 of these machines for power plants in large cities; 19 turbines were installed as part of the Moscow power-supply system. Over more than 40 years of use, they have proven to be resilient and efficient pieces of machinery. The T-295 turbines are a worthy replacement, as the expected lifetime of the machinery is 50 years!

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